the colors of Summer

Happy Weekend!

This summer I’ve been loving two color combinations quite a lot –  white+light blue and white+gray.  Can’t go wrong (well, white paired with anything really). 

This year I’ve also embraced shorts (if you have been reading my blog for a while than you know how much I disliked wearing shorts in public). I’ve always been self conscious about my legs, so I never wore them outside my house or to the beach.  I think the older I get the less I care so this year I’ve been rocking shorts…because I’m grateful to have them…my legs that it. But shorts too 😉

I almost didn’t try this top on but I’m glad I did. The back has the cutest details and I don’t own anything like it.  It is quite roomy so I’d say you can easily size down…if you don’t want it to be overly roomy (but that’s the style). 

While I absolutely love these metallic loafers, they’re a tad stiff. I haven’t worn them enough to find out if they’ll get better with time (hope so). I linked a similar option below that gets great reviews + they’re a bit cheaper.

Loft top in xs    //  Shorts (super old)  – similar here  – 25% off (ends tonight)   //  Sole Society loafers – another similar option – gets great reviews  //  Chloe bag – similar for less  //   Ray-Ban Sunnies – similar for less //  Watch (sold out) – same style

Wishing you all a very happy weekend!

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  1. 7.29.17
    Teresa Loop said:

    Isn't it funny, the things that we don't like about ourselves seem to fade with age (and wisdom, lol!). I've always been petite and thin, and people have always freely commented on my size, which just made me incredibly self conscious. I think you are beautiful and I'd never give your legs another thought besides how nice, toned and tan they are!

    • 8.2.17
      Lilly Style said:

      You're very sweet Teresa, thank you! Never understood what made people think it's ok to comment about someones size. I think as long as someone is healthy that's all that matters. And you're beautiful my friend!

  2. 7.29.17
    Natali Karppinen said:

    Such a cute sweater! You're looking gorgeous! :)

    • 8.2.17
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you sweet Natali 🙂 xo

  3. 7.29.17
    Maria H said:

    After your post, I ordered the grey off shoulder sweater from the Nordstrom sale to wear with my shorts. I never wore shorts when I was younger, either. I had a close call with death when my twins were born, and my entire outlook on life is different.

    • 8.2.17
      Lilly Style said:

      Hope you love it 🙂 Oh my goodness, that's scary. Glad you and your babies are ok! Situations like that definitely change our outlook on life.

  4. 7.30.17
    Lu Suito said:

    love this outfit!lu | Coco&Louis

    • 8.2.17
      Lilly Style said:

      Thanks Lu 🙂

  5. 7.31.17
    curly said:

    Adorable outfit! And I think you have great legs! 🙂

    • 8.2.17
      Lilly Style said:

      Ah you're sweet, thanks Curly 🙂

  6. 7.31.17
    Lindsay Sutherland said:

    Love the detail on the back of this sweater. I can't imagine why you are self-conscience about your legs, they look perfect to me! I have scars on one of my knees from surgeries so some people might think I would want to hide my legs but I have never thought that. My scars tell a story about my life…that's it 🙂 I have never tried to hide them. You rock those legs girl, they are fabulous!

    • 8.2.17
      Lilly Style said:

      You're too kind Lindsay, thank you! I love that…such a great way to look at it. xo

  7. 7.31.17
    Lorena said:

    Simple, yet fabulous. Just the right pieces !! Love the look.

    • 8.2.17
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you Lorena 🙂

  8. 8.1.17
    Rosemary Bostic said:

    You definitely have great legs! And style too! -rose

    • 8.2.17
      Lilly Style said:

      You're so sweet Rosemary, thank you 🙂 xo

  9. 8.1.17
    Khanh Nguyen said:

    Love this outfit! So simple yet chic <3

    • 8.2.17
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you 🙂