let is snow, again

Coat: J.Crew – old (great options here, here)

Sweater: Target – old (similar here, here, here – on sale) (not similar but so pretty!)

Button down: J.Crew – old (similar here, here, here)

Jeans: ℅ Dittos

Boots: Hunter (similar for less) (love these)

Bag: Sole Society

Umbrella: J.Crew – old  (love this one)

Scarf: Gap – super old (love this one)

Look from the last weekend! 

As much as I’m over winter, so over it, a do love a nice heavy snow fall. It’s hard to deny how beautiful it is.  I’m positive I’ve said it way to many times before. But I’ll probably end up saying it again. Because it will be just as beautiful the next time. 

Now let’s move on to Spring, shall we?

Enjoy your Thursday! 

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Leave a Comment


  1. 2.13.14
    jessica rose said:

    You look really stylish…and coping so well with all the snow….I'm in the UK and we are having some pretty bad flooding…the weather is all kinds of freaky!!http://vodkaandarose.blogspot.co.uk

  2. 2.13.14
    Amanda said:

    I love that jacket! I'm hoping to get some hunter boots soon!AmandaStrawberry Chic

  3. 2.13.14
    Skylette from Sequins & Stilettos said:

    I absolutely love the lilac checkered shirt peeking out – such a nice addition of color for blah winter months!

  4. 2.13.14
    Jodi H said:

    Love the coat. Gorgeous post and fun with the boots and umbrellaxx, Jodihttp://highheelsandtutus.com

  5. 2.13.14
    Jordan G said:

    I love this mix of colors and textures! So cute!

  6. 2.13.14
    Anonymous said:

    Loving those hunter boots, and the print of that umbrella is fabulous!xoxo Shannonhttp://GBOfashion.com

  7. 2.13.14
    Gina said:

    yes! I'm totally up for moving along to spring:) I love this colorful fun & super cozy look. Perfect to brighten up a snowy day.XO, Ginahttp://classyeverafter.blogspot.com

  8. 2.13.14
    OccasionallyAJ said:

    Love the purple and grey! Stay warm!!-AJOccasionallyAJ.com

  9. 2.13.14
    MicheleRB said:

    I have to admit – as much as I love my Bean Boots, nothing beats jumping into a snowplow mound with Hunters on to avoid soggy jeans (ewww). I don't have enough wiggle room in mine for cute knee-highs like yours, but the L.L.Bean Shearling Insoles I added were worth every penny spent to warm up my wellies.Cheers!-MicheleThe Salty Hanger

  10. 2.13.14
    Lauren said:

    love the red satchel – such a great color.-Laurenwww.prettypiecesblog.com

  11. 2.13.14
    andrea said:

    Love the red purse! xoxo,Andreawww.andreaeveryday.com

  12. 2.14.14
    Vicki Wilde said:

    These heavy snowfalls are certainly pretty, as long as you don't have to drive in it!!! Love your winter look, but i'm totally ready for spring too :)<3 VickiWilde in the City

  13. 2.14.14
    Anonymous said:

    I love this outfit!! 🙂 xxhttp://www.sweetcandydreamer.com

  14. 2.14.14
    Paige Flamm said:

    I love this fabulous umbrella!Paigehttp://thehappyflammily.com

  15. 2.14.14
    Beautygirl24 said:

    Despite the snow, you have looked fashionable all season! Love the coat!Happy vday Lilly 🙂

  16. 2.18.14
    curly said:

    You look cute,love the mix of colors.

  17. 2.18.14
    Whitney James said:

    The snow had nothing on your outfit – love everything, head to toe! ~Whitneywww.whitneynicjames.com