Pink flamingo

and off we go… 

Jacket: old (similar here)

Tee: bought in Mexico (similar here – LOVE, also here, here and here)

Skirt: J.Crew Factory – old (same style in different colors, another option)

Flats: Nordstrom 

Bag: Target-old (similar here, here)

Necklace: F21 – no longer available online? 

Watch: Kate Spade – can’t stop wearing it 

 Happy Friday! 

Who is ready for the weekend? Silly question, eh?! 

Well, Zoey decided to make an appearance because she missed all of you. She was so excited she couldn’t even stand still….

Have an amazing weekend everyone! 

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  1. 6.13.14
    Niki {Glossy Blonde} said:

    So cute! I love the tee and Zoey is adorable!

  2. 6.13.14
    Liz | Shopping My Closet said:
  3. 6.13.14
    Sasa Zoe said:

    Awesome, babe:)

  4. 6.13.14
    Kim Topolewski said:

    I adore that skirt!<3kimberrleigh

  5. 6.13.14
    Beautygirl24 said:

    Such a cute look! I love that flamingo tee. Ever since visiting the zoo and seeing them in person, I've had a love affair with flamingos! I love the yellow skirt with the striped flats too!

  6. 6.13.14
    Anonymous said:

    Cute look and such an adorable doggie!! 🙂 xx

  7. 6.13.14
    Rachelle ( said:

    Such a cute tee, love this look.xoPinkSole

  8. 6.13.14
    Kristina said:

    That tee is so freaking adorable!! Have a great weekend!Kristina does the Internets

  9. 6.14.14
    OccasionallyAJ said:

    Love that tee! So adorable.-AJ

  10. 6.14.14
    Nikki said:

    What a cute t-shirt. It's super sweet! And I love that you included Zoey in the pictures too 🙂 xo

  11. 6.15.14
    Savannah said:

    I love this tee shirt skirt combo, especially with those striped flats! Zoey is A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!

  12. 6.15.14
    Missy@ Faking Fancy said:

    You are the chicest lawn ornament I've ever seen! 😉

  13. 6.16.14
    Ella Pretty Blog said:

    Zoey's such a cutie!!!