gold home accessories…

…and some not so much… 

We’re all aware about the gold craze going on. It’s been around for a while, and it seems as its about to stick around for a while. 

If you follow me on Instagram (@lilly_101) than you might have noticed my latest gold-spray-victim  (no, it wasn’t Zoey). 

 And if I’m not walking around with a can of gold spray paint in my hand looking what else can I spray paint gold, then it’s probably me looking around the Internet for more gold accessories… Like the ones below (and a couple that are just too pretty not to share).

1 /  2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 – this just makes me smile each time I see it / 11 / 12 

How do you feel about gold home decor/accessories? 

Into it? Over it? 

And what are some things you have spray painted gold? 

Happy Hump Day! 

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  1. 6.25.14
    Adrienne Scott-Trask said:

    I love all of these images!!That "hello" pillow is super cute!-Adrienne. xoCitizen of the WorldCitizen of the WorldCheck out my new online boutique!!Wanderlust Boutique

  2. 6.25.14
    Elizabeth Parker said:

    I love the pillows and the file folders! I'm not into gold all that much but I love the more rustic shades of

  3. 6.25.14
    Wishes and Reality said:

    That gold flatwear is to die for!Heidi

  4. 6.25.14
    Liz | Shopping My Closet said:

    Love the "hello" pillow!Liz @ http://www.shoppingmycloset.comStyle Me Wednesday link-up

  5. 6.26.14
    Just Another Shopaholic said:

    Loving the Hello pillow!

  6. 6.26.14
    Kristina said:

    I am still way into the gold craze, I should probably start walking around with a can of gold spray paint too ;)Kristina does the Internets

  7. 6.28.14
    OccasionallyAJ said:

    I love that gold polka dot pillow! I must recreate it!!