comfort style

Cape  – love this one //  Sweater – on sale (I got XS),  (also similar here on sale + extra 50% off w/code BRSALE)   // Jeans old – similar here $,  here $$  // Booties old – similar here, in l.o.v.e with these // Bag // Sunnies // Watch: MK old – similar here, here for only $20 // Hat old – similar

I think this might be the last post for this year! Where did 2014 go…seriously?!
I do want to thank you all for following along on this bloggy of mine. I appreciate your support, each and every comment you leave makes my day, so a big thank you for being so wonderful. Hope you stick around in 2015 as well. Lots of love and hugs for you ladies. 

Let’s change the subject because it getting depressing thinking how fast the time goes by. 

On a happier note, this year I’ve worn hats a lot more, and apparently capes too (ok, so maybe there is nothing happy about wearing hats and capes. Or is there?!).  

A few months ago I seriously thought how I’ll never wear capes because it’s like wearing a blanket. Turns out these giant blankets we wear in public are pretty nice…and cozy. And it’s all about cozy this time of the year (hello cozy sweaters too).  And it seems like I’m hooked.  I think I’ll be keeping one in my car year around, a lighter one during Summer months and a bit warmer one during the other three season. 

How do you feel about capes/ponchos?  Are they something you’ve been loving or are you going to pass ?  Or do you have mixed feelings?  

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  1. 12.31.14
    Kathy said:

    I wear my cape all the time…..I love it…..By the way…I am a huge fan of Rebecca Minkoff. I like her purses better than Coach! Happy 2015

    • 1.1.15
      Lilly Style said:

      I'm definitely starting to love capes more and more. I don't think they ever go out of style.

  2. 12.31.14
    Diana said:

    Super cute look!~~~Diana~~~

    • 1.1.15
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you Diana 🙂

  3. 12.31.14
    Jessica Salisbury said:

    Thank you Lilly! I want your sweater and the one you suggested, they are both so cute!

    • 1.1.15
      Lilly Style said:

      It's so cozy I want it in other colors. But always eying the BR one, so cute 🙂

  4. 12.31.14
    Kallie @ But First, Coffee said:

    Love it! So jealous of how well you pull of light wash jeans!!! They never look right on me. Also, obsessed with that cape! I need me one!

    • 1.1.15
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you! I think you could rock them girl 🙂

  5. 12.31.14
    curly said:

    Cape is super cute! I think you can pull any outfit or piece of clothing😊.You always look adorable.

    • 1.1.15
      Lilly Style said:

      Aww you're sweet, thank you 🙂

  6. 12.31.14
    Anonymous said:

    Love your hat! You look so cozy chic!Mel

    • 1.1.15
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you Mel 🙂

  7. 12.31.14
    Laura Mitbrodt said:

    I love this cozy casual look xo happy new year

    • 1.1.15
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you Laura 🙂

  8. 12.31.14
    Natali said:

    Super cute boho outfit, I like your boots and cardigan very much!

    • 1.1.15
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you so much Natali 🙂

  9. 1.1.15
    Wishes & Reality said:

    This might be my favorite look of your yet! From the hat to the cape to the jeans and booties to the side braid…total perfect! I've loved your blog this year and can't wait to see what's in store for you in 2015!Heidi

    • 1.1.15
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you so much Heidi! I've really appreciated every single comment you left on my post, thank you for that. xoxo

  10. 1.1.15
    Kacie Ellis said:

    This makes me want to get a cape! Can I just steal yours?! Love it! Happy New Year!

    • 1.1.15
      Lilly Style said:

      Thanks girl! I'll share 😉

  11. 1.1.15
    Anna Baun said:

    Love this cape! The perfect cool weather look! Hope you had a great New Year!

  12. 1.3.15
    OccasionallyAJ said:

    Happy 2015 Lilly! Love the cape, I need to bust mine out. :-)-AJ

  13. 1.4.15
    Shelby Cutting said:

    That cape is great!! I may have to invest in one myself.