chic sneakers

Jacket sold out – similar here and here // Sweater old – similar here and here // Jeans old – similar here and here  // Sneakers – LOVE these – on sale!  // Scarf old – similar here, here // Sunnies – similar for less // Bag – here in black, another can’t-go-wrong option – 

Did you all have a good weekend? 

When end of December decides to be “warm” (50 degrees) you wear your new cute sneakers (well, that was the case on Friday at least).  Because otherwise you might have to wait until warmer Spring weather, which up here can mean May. Never know.  So I jumped on this opportunity to get these very adorable and  affordable sneakers a go.

I’ve been eying the New Balance sneakers (linked above) for a while now, but can’t seem to decided on color.  I love how good they look with black skinny jeans especially,  so good and chic.

Are you a fan of these type of sneakers? What would you wear them with?

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  1. 12.29.14
    Natali said:

    Great and stylish pair of sneakers! I like your leather jacket very much too!

  2. 12.29.14
    Kallie @ But First, Coffee said:

    CUTE! Love those. I always find sneakers so hard to style. I love them with this type of jean like you have cuffed, I'll have to give that a try!

    • 12.30.14
      Lilly Style said:

      I know what you mean. I think there is something about this style of sneakers that makes it a bit easier to style and wear 🙂

  3. 12.29.14
    Taramixandmatch said:

    These are cute! Love that they are two colors 🙂

  4. 12.29.14
    Jessica Salisbury said:

    I love this! I run around with two little kids all day and sometimes I need to wear sneakers to be comfortable (and able to run fast enough) :)

  5. 12.29.14
    Stephanie Ryan said:

    OH my goodness, I am in love with those sneakers! And your entire look of course! 🙂 I saw the sneakers on your IG and liked them, but I have to admit, this post made me LOVE them. I think I may need to buy. 🙂 Steph – Signing Steph

    • 12.30.14
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you Stephanie 🙂 I've kind of fallen in love with them and for the price I couldn't pass them up.

  6. 12.29.14
    Rachelle ( said:

    Love this edge with the leather jacket, cute outfit.xo PinkSole

  7. 12.29.14
    Diana said:

    Cool look, love your sunnies!~~~Diana~~~

  8. 12.29.14
    Ashley said:

    super cute! i just got all black sneaks and love wearing them with gym clothes (of course) but also my leather leggings! so versatile

    • 12.30.14
      Lilly Style said:

      Ah love the black ones. I've been trying to find a good pair for almost a year now. I feel like they finally have more options.

  9. 12.29.14
    Liz | Shopping My Closet said:

    Love the mix of edgy and sporty!Liz @

  10. 12.29.14
    Wishes & Reality said:

    Love love your casual style and the sneakers are too cute!Heidi

  11. 12.29.14
    Beautygirl24 said:

    I love these! For some strange reason, I can't bring myself to wear sneakers outside of the gym or unless I'm doing something outdoorsy. But so many ladies make them look great with regular clothes!

    • 12.30.14
      Lilly Style said:

      I felt the same way…Converse was the only type of sneakers I could feel comfortable in. But then this style of sneakers, Nike and New Balance, became more popular…kept seeing them on everyone and they look so nice. It took me about eight months to finally get a pair but I did it lol You're next 😉

  12. 12.29.14
    Kim Topolewski said:

    I LOVE those sneakers! :)<3kimberrleigh

  13. 12.30.14
    Anonymous said:

    I like that type of sneakers – I think, if the color is right, you can wear it to the most trousers if they aren´t too chic… Thank you for your great blog! A happy new yeat from Nessy (

  14. 12.30.14
    OccasionallyAJ said:

    Warm at Christmas is kinda depressing, but cute sneakers make everything better! Especially with plaid and leather!-AJ

  15. 12.31.14
    curly said:

    Love this combo. Those sneakers are super cute.