gingham style

Jacket: Ann Taylor old – similar here, here under $35 and here //  Button down – similar here, here and here //  Sweater – similar here and here // Jeans (similar for less)  // Booties no longer available – similar,  love these,  // Hatsimilar //  Bag  // Ring  //  Sunnies

Hope all of you had a great weekend!

The temps finally went up on Saturday (30 degrees feels like 60 these days).  I pulled out some oldies, some newbies…

  And the bag that has been on my wish-list for…what seems like forever. I ended up getting it in black (which is the color I originally wanted) mainly because I have maybe one black bag.  The other color I wanted that is still on my mind because it’s simply amazing (it comes in ton of gorgeous colors really).  

I haven’t stopped wearing this bag since I got it, the size is perfect for what I need with me.  I would definitely recommend the bag. It’s so pretty and it has been getting a ton of compliments so far.  

Have a super awesome Monday!

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  1. 2.23.15
    Alissa said:

    Isn't it the worst when above 30 degrees seems warm? Winter is insane. Anyway, this outfit is lovely and I especially like the hat with it. I haven't worn the one I have that is similar so I may just have to recreate this!

    • 2.24.15
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you 🙂 It's Insane indeed.. When it gets up to 60's (sometime this year) it will feel like 90 degrees after this winter lol

  2. 2.23.15
    Natali said:

    Fantastic jacket and boots, you look so stylish in this outfit!

  3. 2.23.15
    Kallie @ But First, Coffee said:

    Haha yes, it was 37 here yesterday and we were all like "HELLO SPRING!" LOL! So sad 🙁 But, you're outfit is NOT sad, lol. LOVE the gingham pattern, you can never go wrong with it! <3

    • 2.24.15
      Lilly Style said:

      Thanks Kallie 🙂 Haha, I know…it's so crazy. Hopefully we'll get the real Spring soon.

  4. 2.23.15
    Ashley said:

    Loving this look! Gorgeous as always..Xo AshSincerely Miss Ash

  5. 2.23.15
    Diana said:

    Lovely outfit!! || D I A N A ||

  6. 2.23.15
    Anonymous said:

    Cute love that hat and

  7. 2.23.15
    Clare said:

    This is just such a perfect casual "running around getting errands done" outfit. So chic.Clare | Understated Classics

  8. 2.23.15
    Kim Topolewski said:

    Love those booties!<3kimberrleigh

  9. 2.23.15
    Kristina said:

    I want/need those booties, adorable!Kristina does the Internets

  10. 2.23.15
    Jessica Salisbury said:

    I love the look and you have THE bag! I am seeing it everywhere. :)

    • 2.24.15
      Lilly Style said:

      Thanks 🙂 Yes, it seems to be overly popular right now and I can see why…it's super nice.

  11. 2.23.15
    Eden Mint said:

    Love this style, cute booties and hat!

  12. 2.23.15
    Wishes & Reality said:

    Love your layering – such a great wash on these jeans!

  13. 2.24.15
    Morgan Winston said:

    Love the outfit! I wish it was still cold here so I could wear something like it!

    • 2.25.15
      Lilly Style said:

      Thanks 🙂 We can trade the weather any day 😉

  14. 2.24.15
    Jackie said:

    I always find that by this time of year, our "Standard" for good weather is so different than it is in the fall. Anyhow, I love the outfit. The wash on those jeans is awesome!JackieSomething About That

    • 2.25.15
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you 🙂 SO true. High 30's – low 40's we consider freezing in Fall. lol

  15. 2.24.15
    Anna said:

    You look great :D

  16. 2.24.15
    For the Love of Leopard said:

    We had a 35 degree day over the weekend and it seriously felt SO warm – which is really sad. Today it was back to below zero and I am so sick of wearing 100 layers!!! Where is spring?! Anyway, you look adorbs – love those booties and your hair!xoxo Danielle For the Love of Leopard

    • 2.25.15
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you 🙂 Haha I agree, it is sad. Spring weather should been here (even though it's not Spring officially just yet, but still, it should be here lol).

  17. 2.24.15
    Chioma said:

    those booties are too cute! love that hat too :)Chioma C's Evolution of Style

  18. 2.24.15
    fshnonmymind said:

    We had a snow storm on Saturday and on Sunday it was 40 degrees outside. I stepped out and thought to myself it felt so warm and then I laughed at even considering 40 degrees warm. Ugh, can't wait for spring!Love your new Love bag. 🙂 I've been thinking about getting one but none of the colors speak to me although I did see the new perforated versions in Saks and really like it in tan. That's on my maybe wishlist because I definitely don't need any new bags.

    • 2.25.15
      Lilly Style said:

      Angela, I've missed you! Great to hear from you 🙂 It is funny when we consider such weather as warm. But it's quite the opposite once Fall comes lol.I do love the perforated one, it's different and I haven't seen it on anyone yet (where everyone seems to have this one).

  19. 2.25.15
    Simply Sabrina said:

    Love the braid, it's gorgeous!x. Sabrina | Simply Sabrina