Jacket: Ann Taylor old – similar here, here under $35 and here // Button down – similar here, here and here // Sweater – similar here and here // Jeans (similar for less) // Booties no longer available – similar, love these, // Hat – similar // Bag // Ring // Sunnies
Hope all of you had a great weekend!
The temps finally went up on Saturday (30 degrees feels like 60 these days). I pulled out some oldies, some newbies…
And the bag that has been on my wish-list for…what seems like forever. I ended up getting it in black (which is the color I originally wanted) mainly because I have maybe one black bag. The other color I wanted that is still on my mind because it’s simply amazing (it comes in ton of gorgeous colors really).
I haven’t stopped wearing this bag since I got it, the size is perfect for what I need with me. I would definitely recommend the bag. It’s so pretty and it has been getting a ton of compliments so far.
Have a super awesome Monday!
Isn't it the worst when above 30 degrees seems warm? Winter is insane. Anyway, this outfit is lovely and I especially like the hat with it. I haven't worn the one I have that is similar so I may just have to recreate this!
Thank you
It's Insane indeed.. When it gets up to 60's (sometime this year) it will feel like 90 degrees after this winter lol
Fantastic jacket and boots, you look so stylish in this outfit!http://lartoffashion.blogspot.com
Haha yes, it was 37 here yesterday and we were all like "HELLO SPRING!" LOL! So sad
But, you're outfit is NOT sad, lol. LOVE the gingham pattern, you can never go wrong with it! <3
Thanks Kallie
Haha, I know…it's so crazy. Hopefully we'll get the real Spring soon.
Loving this look! Gorgeous as always..Xo AshSincerely Miss Ash
Lovely outfit!! || D I A N A || http://www.TheNeonFactor.com
Cute love that hat and coatMelwww.girlandthepolkadot.com
This is just such a perfect casual "running around getting errands done" outfit. So chic.Clare | Understated Classics
Love those booties!<3kimberrleigh
I want/need those booties, adorable!Kristina does the Internets
I love the look and you have THE bag! I am seeing it everywhere. :)-Jessicawww.wearitforless.com
Yes, it seems to be overly popular right now and I can see why…it's super nice.
Love this style, cute booties and hat!http://www.mintnotion.com
Love your layering – such a great wash on these jeans!Heidiwww.wishesandreality.com
Love the outfit! I wish it was still cold here so I could wear something like it!
We can trade the weather any day
I always find that by this time of year, our "Standard" for good weather is so different than it is in the fall. Anyhow, I love the outfit. The wash on those jeans is awesome!JackieSomething About That
Thank you
SO true. High 30's – low 40's we consider freezing in Fall. lol
You look great :Dhttps://aspoonfulofnature.wordpress.com/
We had a 35 degree day over the weekend and it seriously felt SO warm – which is really sad. Today it was back to below zero and I am so sick of wearing 100 layers!!! Where is spring?! Anyway, you look adorbs – love those booties and your hair!xoxo Danielle For the Love of Leopard
Thank you
Haha I agree, it is sad. Spring weather should been here (even though it's not Spring officially just yet, but still, it should be here lol).
those booties are too cute! love that hat too :)Chioma C's Evolution of Style
We had a snow storm on Saturday and on Sunday it was 40 degrees outside. I stepped out and thought to myself it felt so warm and then I laughed at even considering 40 degrees warm. Ugh, can't wait for spring!Love your new Love bag.
I've been thinking about getting one but none of the colors speak to me although I did see the new perforated versions in Saks and really like it in tan. That's on my maybe wishlist because I definitely don't need any new bags.
Angela, I've missed you! Great to hear from you
It is funny when we consider such weather as warm. But it's quite the opposite once Fall comes lol.I do love the perforated one, it's different and I haven't seen it on anyone yet (where everyone seems to have this one).
Love the braid, it's gorgeous!x. Sabrina | Simply Sabrina