Utility Jacket + gray booties

Jacket: old – similar here, herehere, under $30 / Tee: old – similar here and here  / Jeans: Banana Republic – take 40% off w/code ‘3DAY’ – ends 8/31, none-distressed option  / Booties: Sole Society c/o  /  Statement Necklace: Bauble Bar /  Tote: Sole Society c/o  / Sunglasses: Ray-Ban /  Watch: Daniel Wellington – 15% w/code LILLYSTYLE ends 8/31

Hope everyone had a great weekend! 

I grabbed the first tee yesterday that wasn’t gray to just wear around the house. But then ran out for a couple of quick errands. Didn’t plan on taking pictures but figured might as well. Then later I realized that my tee could have used some ironing (I’m usually the person that irons even jeans. not weird at.all.)  So excuse the wrinkles.  I was hoping the fabulous statement necklace would distract (so I shouldn’t have mentioned the wrinkles on the tee? 😉

Tying this light utility jacket around the waist reminded me of when I was in 9th or 10th grade (forever ago). I used to tie jackets a lot like that and I don’t know if that was a thing back then or I just  was just lazy and didn’t want to carry the jacket around (note to self: find those pictures).

Ah, the good ol’ days… 

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  1. 8.31.15
    Natali said:

    Fabulous rock n'roll outfit! Love your boots and necklace! http://lartoffashion.com

    • 9.1.15
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you Natali 🙂

  2. 8.31.15
    Kacie Firkins said:

    Omg, I love everything about this look! The olive and grey is an amazing fall combo and I especially love the pops of color in the necklace! I think I need to pin this… :)KacieRegallySoled.com

    • 9.1.15
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you Kacie 🙂 I don't think I've ever paired these two colors until recently. Definitely a nice combo.

  3. 8.31.15
    Liz | Shopping My Closet said:

    Love the boots!Liz @ ShoppingMyCloset.com

    • 9.1.15
      Lilly Style said:

      Thanks Liz! My favorite so far.

  4. 8.31.15
    Carter crew 6 said:

    Another awesome outfit! I also remember tying my coat around my waist in 8th/9th grade (J. Crew anorak that i loved so much!)

    • 9.1.15
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you 🙂 It must have been a thing back than too.

  5. 9.1.15
    Rachelle (http://pinksole.com/) said:

    these jeans are awesome and I need to pick up an olive tee.xo PinkSole

    • 9.1.15
      Lilly Style said:

      Thanks 🙂 I think olive is such a perfect color for Fall especially

  6. 9.1.15
    Taramixandmatch said:

    This makes me think I need grey booties!

    • 9.1.15
      Lilly Style said:

      Yes you do 😉 These are SO comfy too.

  7. 9.1.15
    Heidi Hendricksen said:

    These jeans are BR?! Love this casual look!Wishes & Reality

    • 9.1.15
      Lilly Style said:

      They are 🙂 I've purchased a few pairs in the past, and these are the softest ones yet. Hope they keep it up .

  8. 9.3.15
    Gina said:

    Grey and Olive is my kinda color pairing for sure! Love those skinnys, I don't think I've ever purchased denim from BR. You've got me curious now.XO,Ginawww.classyeverafterblog.com