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  1. 10.16.15
    Natali said:

    Fantastic bag and boots! You look so comfy and stylish!

    • 10.19.15
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you Natali! This bag has been my go-to bag since I got it 🙂

  2. 10.16.15
    Teresa Loop said:

    What a gorgeous color on you! So flattering 😍 Have a great weekend Lilly!

    • 10.19.15
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you sweet lady 🙂 <3

  3. 10.16.15
    Teresa Loop said:


  4. 10.16.15
    alison*elle said:

    Love how the boots and cardy match!xo, alison*elle

    • 10.19.15
      Lilly Style said:

      I'm usually not crazy about being matchy-matchy but decided to just go with it 😉

  5. 10.16.15
    Rachelle ( said:

    I love this and that bag I am so happy I decided to get it. I love this color.xo PinkSole

    • 10.19.15
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you Rachelle! The bag was an impulse purchase but it has been my go-to bag.

  6. 10.16.15
    Alex Carreno said:

    That card and those boots are perfection!

    • 10.19.15
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you Alex 🙂

  7. 10.16.15
    Gina said:

    beautiful, Lilly! I love the burgundy cardi and boots. Happy weekend, my friend.XO,

    • 10.19.15
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you lady! Hope you had a good weekend xo