just dance

Coat: Loft few sizes left – love this one  ~ Sweater: Banana Republic on sale! – comes in 12 colors, super warm! ~ Jeans old – similar here (on sale!) and here ~ Boots: Hunter – similar for less ~ Bag: Rebecca Minkoff ~ Beanie: Loft – on major sale!  

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! 

We went to my friends wedding reception on Saturday, which was a lot of fun. I danced my little tush off. Makes me want to throw a dance party haha 

I always admire people that can just dance as no-one is watching. So jealous! 

Are you one of those brave people? 🙂

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  1. 1.11.16
    THE NEON FACTOR | Diana said:

    Love the pink knit. Great look. || D I A N A ||www.TheNeonFactor.com

  2. 1.11.16
    Kelsey F said:

    That coat is super cute! I have a grey one from Loft from about 10 years ago that is finally starting to show its age, so I'll have to check this one out!Kelsey @aslolifewww.aslolife.com

  3. 1.11.16
    Natali said:

    This is a perfect rainy day outfit! I like the way that you've styled an outfit around these Hunter boots!http://lartoffashion.com

  4. 1.11.16
    Teresa Loop said:

    I'm not one of those people :/Love, love, love this grey coat! Our stores never got it and I kept waiting to try it on. Love this color blush with it too, super cute entire look.

  5. 1.11.16
    Ashley said:

    Loving that coat!!Sincerely Miss Ash

  6. 1.12.16
    Heidi Daoud said:

    You look so cozy! I love Hunters. I'm wearing them on my site today too:)Wishes & Reality

  7. 1.12.16
    Tara | The Mix said:

    Really love the color of your sweater!

  8. 1.12.16
    Abigail Castro said:

    Love both the sweater and the coat! What a beautiful combo!xo,Abby of Life in the Fash Lane

  9. 1.12.16
    Life's a shoe said:

    I love your coat! I really adore the color!lifeisashoe

  10. 1.12.16
    Alissa said:

    I am always VERY aware of when I am dancing and people are watching. I wish I could forget! The Adored Life

  11. 1.13.16
    CoastWithMe said:

    I love to dance Lilly, but I'm such a bad dancer…..and sooooo off beat lol. That usually doesn't stop me though loll. Love your soft pink turtleneck sweater and this super cozy look! Hope your new year is off to a great start! 🙂