lace top 2 ways

a bit more of a relaxed look with this top that I so love.  And these booties. You might have “heard” me say it way too many times how comfy these booties are and how much I love ’em (I did get my actual size. They were snug at first, but they stretched out and now fit perfectly). 

the top is so versatile and works great with so many different looks

 Blazer: H&M – available again (wearing size 4) – love this one / Top: Ann Taylor (Small) – on sale – extra 40% off / Jeans: Joe’s – similar for less  / Shoes: old – similar here and here / Bag: Rebecca Minkoff

2nd look – cardigan old – nice options here – on sale! and here  / booties / hat – on sale! 

I hope all of you got to enjoy your weekend!

I’ve been trying to cut back on shopping this year and so far so good (I know, I know…it’s only February. end of February. yikes). 

 I bought some pieces I really love (on sale of course), including this top.  I got size Small because the store didn’t have XS and I wasn’t patient enough to wait and order xs. But with these types of tops is not a big deal for me as I like them loose anyway. 

Have a great Monday! 


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  1. 2.29.16
    Natali said:

    Perfectly layered outfit! Your hat and blazer are such a great pieces. :)

    • 3.2.16
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you Natali! I've gotten so much wear out of both 🙂

  2. 2.29.16
    Minau said:

    I prefer look with the grey boots! But boths are great!

    • 3.2.16
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you! It's definitely more laid back and comfy with the booties 🙂

  3. 2.29.16
    Teresa Loop said:

    So pretty! I've got a lace top on my shopping list. I'm with you on cutting back on shopping though… It's easy to not shop until the weather starts to change. Lol!

    • 3.2.16
      Lilly Style said:

      It's such a pretty top, you'll love it! Haha so true, nicer weather changes everything.

  4. 2.29.16
    Olivia DiTomaso said:

    Love the blazer. Such a chic look.Liv

    • 3.2.16
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you Olivia!

  5. 2.29.16
    Monika Wlodarczyk said:

    Love this look!Love,

    • 3.2.16
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you Monika!

  6. 3.1.16
    ayme nicole said:

    Love that bag, it almost has that like, military matte look to it. I have the same bag but in pink and now I'm kind of regretting it haha. I should have gone for the black!coffeeslagCOFFEESLAG Snow Day OOTD

    • 3.2.16
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you 🙂 It's so pretty in pink too though. It comes in way too many colors, makes it hard to pick one haha.

  7. 3.1.16
    nonnapuffo said:

    I really like this look refined in every detailsI love your stylePlease check my last post if you

    • 3.2.16
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you so much 🙂

  8. 3.4.16
    Gina said:

    Love those booties! I always love to see a piece styled in different ways…I really enjoyed this post. You had me chuckling about the cutting back on shopping…I'm always trying but never seem to pull it off for more than a couple of weeks. Shoppers' anonymous,anyone? Is there anything that you have found helped you that you are willing to share? Pretty please:)XO,

    • 3.23.16
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you Gina! At least we try this whole no shopping thing lol. I did cut back quite a bit on shopping but will see how long it lasts. I've been trying to remind myself to just buy classic, timeless pieces that work with multiple different things. But sometimes impulse purchases happen 😉

  9. 3.23.16
    Chelsea Lanam said:

    Love these outfits. What color of the booties do you have on?

    • 3.23.16
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you Chelsea 🙂 Booties are gray.