Fall Favorite – Moto Jacket

I’m seriously still swooning over this suede moto jacket!

It was back-ordered for what seems…f.o.r.e.v.e.r   But it was too hot to wear it anyway. Until now. 

It comes in two more colors, both also very beautiful. You really cannot go wrong with any of the colors this suede moto jacket comes in.

Similar ones, actually almost identical styles, start around $500.  Like this pricey one, for example! Yep!

So run and get yoself one of these “My-fabulous-moto-jacket-looks-like-I-paid-1K-for-it….but oh-no-I-didn’t”….”   

I ordered both XS and Small in this jacket (didn’t want to miss out as it kept selling out).  XS was SO tiny..it felt like an xxs… I could barely put it on.  Small fits just right.

and she’s done looking at the camera 😀

Moto Jacket in exact color!   wearing size Small – also here  //   Jeans – again 😉   //  Sweater – similar here, or a tee option, great basic too! //   Booties  //  Baghere in mini size, similar for less  //  Watch  // Sunnies  

Wishing you all a very happy day! 

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  1. 9.28.16
    Natali said:

    Fantastic jacket and a must have bucket bag!http://lartoffashion.com

    • 9.29.16
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you, Natali. The bag is one of my faves, still 🙂

  2. 9.28.16
    AAR said:

    Love that jacket! You have just answered my moto jacket prayers. Which color did you choose? From the pictures it's hard to tell which one is brown and which one is dark brown?

    • 9.28.16
      Lilly Style said:

      Color is Coffe Bean (first link is the exact one) 🙂 It does come in burgundy and dark green too.

  3. 9.28.16
    Olivia DiTomaso said:

    What a great jacket for fall.Liv http://www.livforstyle.net

    • 9.29.16
      Lilly Style said:

      Isn't it?! I'm in love with it 🙂

  4. 9.28.16
    Monika Wlodarczyk said:

    Love the jacket!Love,www.thestyleventure.com

    • 9.29.16
      Lilly Style said:

      Thanks, I'm slightly obsessed with it 😉

  5. 9.29.16
    Fowzia Madar said:

    Wow this jacket is amazing!Fowzia|Crazy4tiesxoxo

    • 9.29.16
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you! It's definitely a Fall staple.

  6. 10.1.16
    Beauty Follower said:

    Awesome jacket, indeed!http://beautyfollower.blogspot.gr/