What to Wear…

…when you want to feel like a million bucks.
Or just really put together 😉

Striped tees never disappoint. Ever. And Lawd knows I have accumulated way to many. But they’re all different 😉

I got this blazer in tan, but it comes in multiple colors (such a good dupe of the ridiculously priced Balmin blazer). The style is similar but at an amazing price point. I got mine in size 0 and it fits great.

Blazer old – similar style herehere, and here   /   Super old jeans – great option for old $45,  love these /   Old tee – also have this one, here on sale /  Adidas sneakers   /   Chloe Bag  /  Gap Belt in Small  /  Nordstrom Scarf this years version – similar for less  /


I find that my favorite outfits are the ones I don’t spend much time trying to put together . The more I think about what I should wear, chances are I’m not going to be completely happy with the outfit.  This type of outfit –  jeans+blazer+tee, are the type of outfit I could wear every day. It’s something I  feel comfortable, confident and chic in (did I cover all the C’s?? 😉

Blazers = Wardrobe Essential.  Every woman should own one or two nice blazers. They can be dressed up or down, and it’s extremely hard to look sloppy in one. They instantly polish any look.

Here are different styles of blazers at all price points. Something for everyone.


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  1. 11.16.16
    Elizabeth D. said:

    Love the simple but put together outfit! I live in blazers and think they are a staple piece.xo elle // https://splashofpreppy.com

    • 11.24.16
      Lilly Style said:

      I agree! Can't really go wrong with blazers 🙂

  2. 11.16.16
    Natali said:

    Great casual, marine like outfit! I like your bag and jeans very much!http://lartoffashion.com

    • 11.24.16
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you Natali 🙂

  3. 11.16.16
    Ruby Gaxiola said:

    Love everything about this! 🙂

    • 11.24.16
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you Ruby 🙂

  4. 11.16.16
    Lu Suito said:

    love the outfit!lu | Coco&Louis

    • 11.24.16
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you Lu 🙂

  5. 11.16.16
    Liz | Shopping My Closet said:

    Loving the gold buttons!Liz @ ShoppingMyCloset.com

    • 11.24.16
      Lilly Style said:

      Thanks Liz! It's all in the details 😉

  6. 11.16.16
    Teresa Loop said:

    So cute and classy! I bought that knit blazer at OldNavy you posted awhile back. I've yet to wear it, (that's only because it needs to get cooler here…) but I can't wait!

    • 11.24.16
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you Teresa 🙂 Can't wait to see it on you, I know it will look great.

  7. 11.16.16
    Sierra Burton said:

    I'm seriously loving this outfit. Makes me wish I didn't have to be business casual everyday.

    • 11.24.16
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you Sierra 🙂

  8. 11.16.16
    Rose Nika said:

    this is such a great outfit I may copy it for casual Friday at work lol Life is just RosieInstagram

    • 11.24.16
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you doll. It's definitely a good casual Friday look 😉

  9. 11.18.16
    Curly said:

    Adorable. Simplicity yet stylish is my fav! You look lovely.

    • 11.24.16
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you Curly 🙂