white jeans outfit, again…

…and there will be a lot more 😉

If you don’t own a pair of white jeans by now, you really need to get your act together and get yourself a pair. 

The perfect white jeans can be hard to find, nothing new there. What might work for me, might not work of you.   It took me forever to find a pair I like. 

I remember ordering multiple pairs from Nordstrom (thanks to free shipping and returns) until I found a pair I like. 

I remember trying this pair and this pair on not too long ago and they were pretty nice actually, specially since they weren’t overly pricey. But they didn’t fit my body right.  

I got this top at while ago and sadly it sold out quickly online.
I linked below a few pretty tops, not the same or quite similar, just very pretty….the can’t-go-wrong kinda pretty. 

Top: H&M  (sold out currently) – pretty alternatives here,  here, here, here,  here (so cute!), same sleeve style in white   /  Paige Jeans – on sale! – similar for less   /  J.Crew Flats (old), same style – similar here and here in ton of colors, my favorite flats /  Gucci Bag – great option for less  /   Kate Spade Watch  – similar for less  + on sale!   / 

Wishing you a very happy day!

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  1. 6.21.17
    Natali Karppinen said:

    Such a pretty and summery casual outfit! Your top and bag are fabulous pieces!http://lartoffashion.com

  2. 6.22.17
    Teresa Loop said:

    I think white denim makes every outfit look great. I agree on difficulty finding the right pair (or 2…). Super cute look, love all the pretty details!

  3. 7.7.17
    Jenelle Ali said:

    Hi what size did you get in this top?

    • 7.7.17
      Lilly Style said:

      I got 34 (4 depending how they have it labeled online 🙂

  4. 7.7.17
    Jenelle Ali said:

    Ok thank you very much