outfit repeat

If I posted outfits daily, you’d be surprised how many times I repeat the same outfits or remix the same pieces. No shame in that. It’s great way to get the most out of my wardrobe…or at least out of a  decent number of the same pieces. While many others stay neglected. Yikes.

 I’ve given away a ton already and another closet clean-out needs to happen. Soon.

I just love this scarf my mom knitted for me. And just wait until you see the newest one she made me…I’m in love! 

 I used to know how to knit a bit when I was younger (why is it that I knew how to do more things when I was younger???).  Now that I’m in my mid-30’s, I feel like it would be a great time to re-learn. It just seems relaxing and a great winter “activity”  😉

Do you know how to knit? 

Coat old – Great options here, here and here   /  Sweater old – similar styles here and here  /  H&M Jeans (size up)  /  Marc Fisher booties    /   Givenchy Baghere in black,  similar style/shape for $80 – love it in black!  /  Ray-Ban sunglasses  /  Similar Scarf –  on sale! 

What type of outfit posts are your favorites?  Which ones do you want to see more of? 

Casual? Dressy? More skirts/dresses?  More recipes? 

Do let me know in the comments below 🙂

As always, thank you for reading!

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  1. 1.4.17
    Teresa Loop said:

    I love grey and blush!! Such a cute outfit!I love that you rewear outfits. The reason I started an IG account was to track my outfits and learn to remix the items I already had. I find that I go in phases of what I'm wearing, too. I was button down obsessed for a few years (had probably 30+ 😳) that I loved to layer under sweaters and puffer vests… pretty safe to say that I haven't worn any of those shirts, sweaters or vests in at least 2 years. I did thin the herd finally, only keeping my favorites. Many of the button downs can be worn year round.I do knit!! I never knew how, but was always wanting a scarf or beanie hat in a color I didn't have, so I took classes and have had more fun learning than I'd have ever guessed! Pick it back up, I bet it will come back to you!I love the mixture of outfits you post. While I wear mostly casual outfits, I love the range. Always love fitting room posts too! Recipes are good!

    • 1.18.17
      Lilly Style said:

      I'm the same way, I go through phases of liking certain items and re-wearing them all the time. I think knitting it fun and relaxing…specially this time of the year. I need to relearn :)As always, thank you so much for your sweet comments and feedback xo

  2. 1.4.17
    Liz | Shopping My Closet said:

    Love the handmade scarf!Liz @ ShoppingMyCloset.com

    • 1.18.17
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you Liz 🙂

  3. 1.4.17
    Natali said:

    This is such a great casual combo! I love to repeat some of my fave and most comfy outfits!http://lartoffashion.com

    • 1.18.17
      Lilly Style said:

      Yes, comfy is the key!

  4. 1.4.17
    THE NEON FACTOR | Diana said:

    Love the pink and grey combo. || D I A N A ||www.TheNeonFactor.com

    • 1.18.17
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you sweet Diana 🙂

  5. 1.4.17
    curly said:

    Scarf is super cute. And coat is timeless,of course. Great combo.

    • 1.18.17
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you Curly 🙂

  6. 1.4.17
    Megan @ Lush to Blush said:

    I absolutely LOVE that coat! So beautiful!Xo,Megan at Lush to Blush

    • 1.18.17
      Lilly Style said:

      Thank you Megan. It's definitely one of my favorites 🙂

  7. 1.14.17
    Gina said:

    Hey Lilly! I'm thrilled to have some time to catch up on your posts. I'm settling in with a cup of coffee:)I absolutely love when a wardrobe lends itself to frequent repeats & remixing. I would love to see posts of your repeats! I've been purging so much out of my closet and it feels fabulous. I think when we have a wardrobe of clothes we love and want to wear as much as possible it means we've arrived style wise. You look stunning, my friend. That coat is gorgeous, and I love that your mom knitted you such a dreamy scarf! I've missed you, Lilly. Feels so great to be back.XO! Ginawww.classyeverafterblog.com

    • 1.17.17
      Lilly Style said:

      I've missed you Gina! Loved reading all you sweet comments. :)I've slowly purging my closet too and it feels oh-so-good. But I can do better lol. I just need to learn to part from pieces that are pretty but not so pretty on me (or at least I don't feel fab in them and it's so important to feel good in what we wear). Working on it lol xo

  8. 2.11.17
    Jens C. Kruse said:

    Thank you so much.