
The I’m-going-to-have-to-hold-my-hair-in-every-picture season has officially begun aka the battle with the wind. Some things never change! So if you have been wondering why I always hold my hair…the mystery has been solved now. 

 ..and speaking of things that never change…like me over-wearing certain pieces.  These coated skinnies. This jacket.  #sorrynotsorry

Out of all the pictures taken on this day I looked angry in most of them. Maybe I was hungry?! 

Jacket: Nordstrom – exact one (similar for less here and here)

Top: c/o Chicwish

Pants: H&M old (similar, here – now 50% off,  black skinnies under $18) (love this color)

Shoes: DSW old (similar here, here -hot, here) (love these)

Bag: Tory Burch old (similar here – on sale) (similar style and gorgeous in dark walnut, pretty option for Fall under $40)

Watch  /  Sunnies 

Wishing each and everyone one of you a happy and fun weekend!


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  1. 9.26.14
    Bogi RedReticule said:

    I always get so annoyed when my hair is not in place and I have to keep "petting" it. A little "wind styling" can actually give a photo a natural look and your hair is gorgeous from every angle. …but talk about that sequin top! Absolutely fabulous! Red Reticule

  2. 9.26.14
    Kate said:

    Aw, haha I so feel you with the needing to hold the hair for photos! My hair tends to whip everywhere in the wind – the worst when it gets stuck in your lipgloss! I am loving this outfit and don't blame you one bit for wanting to wear these pieces over & over – the coated denim is perfect on you! I love how much the scalloped hemline of your top pops against them! Super pretty.Happy Friday!

  3. 9.26.14
    Anonymous said:

    I love that top! It is gorgeous! Love how you styled it! Hope you have a great weekend!Mel

  4. 9.26.14
    Elizabeth Parker said:

    Love this look. Those skinnies and heels are amazing!-B

  5. 9.26.14
    Cherish Kirsten said:

    Love that top.

  6. 9.26.14
    Natali said:

    Fantastic sequinned top, it gives a nice glamorous touch to the rest of the outfit!

  7. 9.26.14
    Kristina said:

    Ha, I'm always trying to control my hair in pictures too! I love your sequined top, super cute.Kristina does the Internets

  8. 9.26.14
    Victoria GlamFizz said:

    I love the color of your bag!Victoria | GlamFizzor follow on Instagram

  9. 9.26.14
    Revital said:

    the bag is perfection

  10. 9.26.14
    Shira said:

    This top is amazing!! Totally obsessed and in love with the scalloped sequin combo!

  11. 9.26.14
    Liz | Shopping My Closet said:

    Great look!Liz @

  12. 9.27.14
    Megan Harris said:

    Such a beautiful blouse! I love the pop of purple and leopard too!Megan Star | Beauty Brawler

  13. 9.27.14
    Marta said:

    Love this casual chic outfit! Beautiful top!http://martasfashiondiary.com

  14. 9.27.14
    Diary of a Southern Belle said:

    That jacket!!! That top!!! Those shoes!!! Incredible!!!! Looking good Hun!!!

  15. 9.28.14
    char sethman said:

    Loving the Bling!

  16. 9.28.14
    Kristie Glenn said:

    Love your outfit! The top is amazing! The wind adds great movement to the pics…let it fly!

  17. 9.30.14
    Angela said:

    Love the takes a casual outfit up a notch. Perfect fall look!

  18. 10.11.14
    OccasionallyAJ said:

    No need to apologize for wearing amazing pieces!