As some of you might have noticed I gave my blog a little face lift, finally, and I also changed the blog URL since the old one had nothing to do with the name of my blog. The new one is
A very sweet reader of Lilly Style emailed me and informed me that she has not been getting any new post updates emailed to her from Bloglovin’. I’m guessing all Bloglovin’ followers are having this issue?!? And I’ve noticed when I do click on Bloglovin’ the last post it shows it’s the last post before the change.
I’m working (trying) to figure out how to fix this and hopefully I’ll be able to figure it out soon. Heads up – I’m SO not techy so this might take a minute or two (which really could mean a week). I certainly hope that’s not the case.
A major thank you again to Gina from the Daily Express blog for emailing me and letting me know about this issue
Has anyone else experienced this problem before?
Thanks for the shout-out Lilly.
As of this morning Bloglovin is letting me follow your blog with the new URL, but it didn't show this new post in my feed. I know sometimes there's a delay from when something gets posted to when it shows up there, so hopefully that's the only issue now. I hope this gets worked out soon! On the Daily Express
Thank you for letting me know about this. My RSS feed is not working correctly so that's whey the new posts are not showing and I have no idea how to fix the issue. It's been so frustrating but I'm hoping to find the answer some place
I've noticed the same thing! You are in my "daily reads" section on my blog though so I check that regularly to keep up with my favorite blogs but you haven't been in my dashboard for awhile. Hope it gets fixed!
Thank you Noelle. I didn't realize right away that wasn't working either. So happy it's fixed now though
A bunch of recent posts from you finally popped up on bloglovin today so hopefully it's fixed!
Yay, finally. I hope nothing else gets messed up.
LOVE the redesign! Did you do it yourself? Are you still using Blogger? I have so many questions if you have time to answer them! :-)-AJ
Thanks AJ. I purchased the template and did the rest by myself. It's still hosted by Blogger, so I do my posts the same way I used to. And the Domain is through GoDaddy. Feel free email me if you have any questions