2015 Outfits Recap / Favorites


It didn’t seem so long ago that I posted my first 2015 outfit and now we’re on the last day of 2015. Just like that. 

When I started blogging I never thought I would keep doing it for this long. There were a lot of ups and downs on this incredible journey, and I can’t express in words how much I appreciate each of you and all of your support. Thank you from my heart for following along, it means so much. 

I hope 2015 has been good to you.

Wishing each of you all the best in 2016.

(Apparently, 2015 has bee a year of hats 😉

First of 2015  //  Layer Up

Sporty Chic  // Gingham Style

Stripes + Pink // Weekend Style

Neutrals // Hello Sailor

B/W Floral Skirt  // Pastel Trench

Utility Jacket // Tassels

Weekend Style  //  Lace Trim

Beach Side  // Little White Dress


LBD  / Fit and Flare

Neutrals  //  Weekend Chic

Flared Out  //  Classic Button Down 

Flare Jeans  //  Crisp Fall Day

Fall Layers  // Let It Snow


Again, thank you all SO SO much for reading my blog! 

See you next year 😉


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  1. 12.31.15
    Olivia DiTomaso said:

    Thanks for all the style inspiration. Can't wait to see more of your style in 2016.Livwww.livforstyle.net

  2. 12.31.15
    Melodee said:

    just love your style! thanks for all of the great go-to posts with links and all! happy new year!

  3. 12.31.15
    Natali said:

    Tons of amazing and inspiring outfits! Happy New Year!http://lartoffashion.com

  4. 12.31.15
    Teresa Loop said:

    It's been so fun following along all this time. I for one, am grateful you have stuck with blogging! I've had loads of inspiration 🙂

  5. 12.31.15
    Tracy Miller said:

    So many great looks. I love that your style is "real." I can always find inspiration from your blog.

  6. 12.31.15
    Gina Daily said:

    Love this 2015 recap! So many great outfits in one place, and I'm glad you've managed to keep going with the blog. Always love your clean, classic outfits.Gina || On the Daily Express

  7. 1.1.16
    Heidi Hendricksen said:

    I love your style Lilly! You are such an inspiration and I wish you the best in 2016!Wishes & Reality

  8. 1.1.16
    JenniferZ said:

    You give me so much style inspiration, I really love that pink coat!

  9. 1.1.16
    Rizwan Naeem said:

    Nice blog and Article.http://www.multistylez.com

  10. 1.1.16
    Elizabeth Parker said:

    You had so many great outfits this year! I'm looking forward to following along to see what new inspiration you give out this year!-Bethwww.bandgsparrow.blogspot.com

  11. 1.2.16
    Kristina said:

    Your pink coat is so cute, adds such a fun vibe to any outfit!Kristina does the Internets

  12. 1.2.16
    Taramixandmatch said:

    Happy New Year Lilly! Can't wait to see what's in store in 2016!